elesiuta.github.io/picosnitch Linuxpicosnitch helps protect your security and privacy by "snitching" on anything that connects to the internet, letting you know when, how much data was transferred, and to where. It uses BPF to monitor network traffic per application, and per parent to cover those that just call others. It also hashes every executable, and will complain if some mischievous program is giving it trouble.
- Homepage: elesiuta.github.io/picosnitch
- GitHub: github.com/elesiuta/picosnitch
- Web info: web-check.xyz/results/elesiuta.github.io
picosnitch Source Code
Monitor Network Traffic Per Executable, Beautifully Visualized
15 Jul 20
Last Updated
04 Apr 24
Latest version
Primary Language
4,592 KB
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Star History
Top Contributors
@elesiuta (695)
@aschaap (3)
@gpchelkin (1)
@MJDSys (1)
Recent Commits
eric (02 Jan 24)
version 1.0.3
eric (24 Dec 23)
add doas support https://github.com/elesiuta/picosnitch/issues/37
eric (14 Dec 23)
fix sock_sendmsg kprobe not attaching for kernel 6.6 https://github.com/elesiuta/picosnitch/issues/35 use inet_ and inet6_ instead of sock_ for sendmsg and recvmsg
eric (13 Dec 23)
fallback if it fails to find a home user, will probably fix builds on launchpad for 23.10 and later
eric (13 Dec 23)
version 1.0.2
eric (13 Dec 23)
organize imports
eric (19 Nov 23)
update readme
eric (31 Oct 23)
update callgraph
eric (31 Oct 23)
log name of dead processes on restart
eric (31 Oct 23)
don't need to toast fallback success messages
eric (31 Oct 23)
fix cmdline cache using old values for new pids https://github.com/elesiuta/picosnitch/issues/32
eric (23 Oct 23)
version 1.0.1
eric (23 Oct 23)
better help for debugging, closes https://github.com/elesiuta/picosnitch/issues/30
eric (21 Sept 23)
fix option to override st_dev_mask
eric (21 Sept 23)
version 1.0.0
eric (21 Sept 23)
add option to override st_dev_mask
eric (20 Sept 23)
add option to not log ports
eric (20 Sept 23)
don't refresh time offset on tab/filter changes in tui
eric (20 Sept 23)
add filter exclude to tui
eric (18 Aug 23)
version 0.14.1
eric (18 Aug 23)
go back to using classic confinement for snap Required plugs for this to work do not currently exist in snapd. I'll leave this here for now in case they are added in the future or if anyone wants to build their own snap with classic confinement. Only a few of the plugs this commit removes were actually required. I don't think there are any other currently existing plugs that are required for this to work.
eric (17 Aug 23)
fix ui if query results are ready early regression from adding local port/addr and removing connection count
eric (17 Aug 23)
don't remember previous cursor location on removing filter more responsive ui (with threading) breaks this since the cursor resets to the first row as the entries load
eric (17 Aug 23)
use stack to apply multiple filters in ui
eric (17 Aug 23)
refactor primary and secondary tab names and indices in ui this was an artifact from a much earlier version where not all columns were filterable
eric (11 Aug 23)
update readme
eric (10 Aug 23)
update readme
eric (10 Aug 23)
update readme
eric (09 Aug 23)
fix dependencies for openSUSE (version 0.14.0-2)
eric (09 Aug 23)
version 0.14.0
picosnitch Website
picosnitch | Monitor Network Traffic Per Executable, Beautifully Visualized
Monitor Network Traffic Per Executable, Beautifully Visualized
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picosnitch Reviews
More Intrusion Detection
Zeek (formally Bro) Passively monitors network traffic and looks for suspicious activity.
OSSEC is an Open Source host-based intrusion detection system, that performs log analysis, integrity checking, monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
SNARE (System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment) is a series of log collection agents that facilitate centralized analysis of audit log data. Logs from the OS are collected and audited. Full remote access, through a web interface easy to use manually, or by an automated process.
Not Open Source
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Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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